Air Force Funds Surprise-Based Learning Project at ISI

| July 5, 2006 

The goal of the project is to model information networks, according to Dr. Shen.

Wei Min Shen Wearing Striped Shirt

Wei-Min Shen

The Air Force Office of Scientific Research is funding research at the University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute designed to improve defense planners’ ability to make accurate predictions.

William J. Sharp, a public information officer at the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, wrote a description of the project published June 29 on the Air Force Material Command website. His story continues:”The new area, formally launched at a meeting with AFOSR principal investigators at Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y., is entitled Information Forensics and Process Integration. The overall portfolio of projects consists of three areas of research emphasis — incomplete information and metrics; search, interactive design, and active querying; and cognitive processing.

“Dr. Wei-min Shen, director, Polymorphic Robotics Lab, University of Southern California, Marina del Rey, Calif., is the principal investigator for the USC team. The team’s area of focus is in the area of incomplete information and forensics. The team’s estimated $600,000, 3-year project is entitled ‘Surprised Based Learning.’

“‘The goal of the project is to model information networks,’ Dr. Shen said. ‘We want users to be able to predict, analyze, manage, and control network-centric warfare effectively and efficiently. We want to construct models from whatever information is available at the outset and then make continuous improvements to the models based upon changes in the environment.'”

The complete story can be read at news/story.asp?id=123022601

Published on July 5th, 2006

Last updated on June 6th, 2024

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