ISI Contract Update: $6.93 Million

| September 26, 2008 

DARPA, DoD, and NSF are some of the agencies sponsoring projects at ISI.

Information Sciences Insitute project leaders in 2008 have won nearly $7 million in research awards.

The latest projects include:Project Leader: Tom Vernier : Nanoscale Bioelectrical Physics Research (Bioelectrics)
Agency: AFOSR Total Award: $100,000

Project Leader: Wei-Min Shen, Pedro Szekely : Bio-Inspired Distributed Control for Self-Networked Autonomous Radio Robots (Landroids)
Agency: DARPA IPTO (via ArgonST) Total Award: $550,000

Project Leader: Thomas Lehman : Multi-Level Network Research (MLN)
Agency: KDDI Research and Development Laboratories, Inc. Total Award: $68,000

Project Leader: Dan Davis : HPCMPO PET GPGPU Programming Class (PET-GPU2)
Agency: DoD (via SAIC) Total Award: $20,000

Project Leader: Robert Neches : Game-based Linking of Intelligence, Mission Management, Execution, and Reporting (GLIMMER)
Agency: NRO Total Award: $400,000

Project Leader: John Wroclawski : SGER: National Malware Collaboratory Investigation (NMCI)
Agency: NSF Total Award: $200,000

Project Leader: Carl Kesselman : NSF Workshops on Virtual Organizations (NSF-VO)
Agency: NSF Total Award: $231,429

Project Leader: Ewa Deelman : Pegasus Workflow Management System at CI Design Workshop (ORION-Phase1)
Agency: NSF (via UCSD) Total Award: $18,548

Project Leader: Dong-In Kang : Dynamic Resource Allocation and Dynamic Application Mapping Techniques for Tiled MultiCore Architecture (DRAmATic)
Agency: Samsung Electronics Total Award: $97,000

Project Leader: Jelena Mirkovic : CT-ISG: Collaborative Research: Enabling Routers to Detect and Filter Spoofed Traffic (Spoofed Filter)
Agency: NSF Total Award: $204,734

Project Leader: John Wroclawski : Future Internet Network Design Meeting 2008 (FIND2008)
Agency: NSF Total Award: $57,524

Project Leader: Craig Knoblock : Modeling Suspicious Entities (Metad)
Agency: Fetch Technologies, Inc. Total Award: $30,000

Project Leader: Gully Burns : Statistical Modeling Interactive Tool for Research Grant Data Analysis (NINDSMap)
Agency: NIH Total Award: $33,711

Project Leader: Jelena Mirkovic : CRI:CRD: iSIM: Simulator of Internet-Scale Events (iSim)
Agency: NSF Total Award: $49,890

Project Leader: Wei Ye; John Heidemann and Ming Hsieh Department’s Urbashi Mitra : MRI — Development of an Always-Available Testbed for Underwater Networking Research (DATUNR)
Agency: NSF Total Award: $500,000

Project Leader: William Manning : Intermediate Cache Problems (ICP)
Agency: Keio University Total Award: $90,900

Project Leader: Jerry Hobbs : A Unified Approach to Abductive Inference(Abduction) Award
Agency: ARO (via the University of Washington) Total Award: $378,300

Project Leaders: Brian Schott : HPC-ISP Pilots
Agency: AFRL Total Award: $3,662,095

Project Leader: Jeff Draper Enabling Technology and Hardware for an Exascale Point Design Study (Exahardware)
Agency: NSF (National Science Foundation) Total Award: $200,000

Project Leader: Ed Hovy : A Homeland Security Ontology: A Meta-Analysis of Homeland Security Research (HS-Onto)
Agency: MAC Consulting Services Funding Agency: Naval Postgraduate School Total Award: $90,000

Published on September 26th, 2008

Last updated on May 16th, 2024

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