Preston Marshall to Head New ISI Wireless Networking Division

| March 8, 2010 

The Wireless Networking Division will have staff on both coasts, as well as collaboration with USC faculty and with other institutions.

Preston Marshall Headshot

Preston Marshall

The new division will also will assist in ISI-wide development efforts, in areas like manufacturing, microelectronics, and other ISI strengths that can be leveraged to create strong programs in wireless technology

The division will also support other ISI efforts, where wireless expertise can be used to strengthen existing programs, or open new opportunities.The Wireless Networking Division will have staff on both coasts, as well as collaboration with USC faculty and with other institutions.

Marshall was previously Program Manager with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Strategic Technology Office (STO), for many of the DARPA Wireless, Cognitive Radio, and networking programs.

These programs include the XG Dynamic Spectrum Access development, Wireless Networking after Next (WNAN) cognitive radioprogram for low cost wireless networking and the Disruption and Delay Tolerant Networking Program (DTN).

These programs collectively provided the technology base for high performance and affordable infrastructureless wireless networking.

Marshall has written many articles, book chapters and conference presentations on the subject of DSA and cognitive radio. He is Executive Chair of the IEEE DYSPAN conference. He holds a Ph.D. from Trinity College, Dublin, and a BSEE and MS Information Science from Lehigh University

Published on March 8th, 2010

Last updated on June 3rd, 2024

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