ISI Grad Students Show Off Their Stuff

| December 9, 2011 

The Graduate Student Symposium brings together students working in the Networks and Intelligent Systems divisions of ISI.

A photo of two students at Graduate Student Symposium

Students at ISI’s Graduate Student Symposium

An Information Sciences Institute tradition entered its sixth year in 2011, when young researchers spent the day presenting their work to colleagues and teachers.

The event, the Graduate Student Symposium, brings together students working in the Networks and Intelligent Systems divisions of ISI. This year’s was the most widely attended in the event’s history.The program included six papers — judged separately by a group of judges on content and presentation — and twelve posters. Participants voted on the best and runner up in each category, with separate winners in Intelligent Systems and Networks.

The program included a special presentation by ISI division leader Yolanda Gil, an international authority on workflow technology, that combined he experience as a Ph.D. candidate and as a PhD advisor.

Additionally, Google Senior Scientist Klaus Macherry presented a tech talk. Google supplemented the winners awards and brought gifts for the audience and the participants.

ISI Deputy Director Yigal Arens served as host, along with Networks project leader Jelena Mirkovic announced the award winners at the end of the day.

The student organizers included Qing Dou, Bo Wu, Vaibhav Gupta, and Vinod Sharma, and others.

The following students were the proud winners:

From Networks:
Best Paper: Lin Quan For the paper “Detecting Internet Outages with Active Probing”
Best Poster: Hao Shi For the poster: Identifying Heavy-Tail Behavior in Experiment Sizes and Durations on Testbeds,” with Alefiya Hussain, and Jelena Mirkovic

Group of People Showing Diploma Award in Classroom

Winners! (from left) Vinod Sharma, Vaibhav Gupta, Qing Dou, Ardeshir Kianercy, Yigal Arens, Rumi Ghosh, Stefano Bortoli, Jelena Mirkovic, Jeonhung Kang, Lin Quan, Hao Shi, Bo Wu.

From Intelligent Systems:
Best Paper: Qing Dou For the paper “A Fast Deciphering Algorithm for Word Substitution Ciphers,” with Kevin Knight
Best Paper Runner Up: Ardeshir Kianercy For the paper “Dynamics of Softmax Q-Learning in Two-Player Two-Action Games,” with Aram Galstyan
Best Presentation: Rumi Ghosh For the paper: “The Role of Dynamic Interactions in Multi-scale Analysis of Community Structure,” with Kristina Lerman
Best Presentation Runner Up: Ardeshir Kianercy, For the paper “Dynamics of Softmax Q-Learning in Two-Player Two-Action Games,” with Aram Galstyan
Best Poster: Jeon Hyung Kang For the poster “”Birds of a Feather”: Are More Similar Users More Likely to be Linked?” with Kristina Lerman
Best Poster Runner Up: Stefano Bortoli For the poster “Learning Rules for Open Entity Matching”

Published on December 9th, 2011

Last updated on June 7th, 2024

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