USC-THU 2009 Research Symposium

Agenda of 3rd THU-USC Faculty Research Symposium on

Green and Smart for a Sustainable Future

Dates: 20-22 May, 2009 Venue: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Day 1: Wednesday, 20 May, 2009

7pm - Welcome Dinner (QuanJude Restaurant, Tsinghua Science Park)

Day 2: Thursday, 21 May, 2009

Welcome Speeches & Introduction (Lecture Hall) Chair: Prof. Zhisheng Niu (Vice dean of SIST) Welcome speech by Jun Li Greetings from Cauligi Raghavendra Greetings from USC alum and program supporter Feng Deng Introduction of faculty participants from USC and Tsinghua University Keynote Talks (Lecture Hall) Chair: Prof. Zhisheng Niu (Vice dean of SIST) 9:30-10:00am - "Enhancing EHS, Maximizing Recovery Efficiency and Maximizing OPEX and CAPEX with IT-driven Intelligent Oilfield Operations" by Iraj Ershaghi - Omar B. Milligan Professor and Director Petroleum Engineering Program and Executive Director of Center for Interactive Smart Oilfield Technologies, USC Chair: Prof. Cauligi Raghavendra (Senior Associate Dean, VSoE, USC) 10:30-11am - "Solar Energy Conversion and Applications in China" by Zhiqiang Yin (Professor, THU) 11-11:30am - "Multi-Disciplinary Technology Applications in the Energy Industry (with a focus on Geoscience, Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition)" by Fred Aminzadeh (Research Professors, Center for Interactive Smart Oilfield Technologies, USC)

Parallel Sessions

Track I: IT-driven Energy and Sustainability (Room 1-315) Chair: Prof. Si-Zhao Qin (VSoE, USC) 2-2:30pm - "GeoRealism: Expanding the human ability to comprehend a larger geo space" by Cyrus Shahabi (CSCI, USC) 2:30-3pm - "Key Technologies for Solid State Lighting - from Epitaxy to Lighting Fixture" by Yi Luo (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, USC) 3-3:30pm - "Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide in Geologic Formations: A Viable Option for Mitigating the Greenhouse Effect" by Don Zhang (Civil & Environmental Engineering Dept., USC) 4-4:30pm - "Green IT for Energy Efficient Buildings" by Ruixi Yuan (USC) 4:30-5pm - "Biologically-inspired Smart Microfabricated Sensor and Actuator Networks" by Ellis Meng (Biomedical Engineering, USC) 5-5:30pm - "Composite Visual Communication" by Qionghai Dai (Electrical Engineering, USC) Track II: Green IT & Intelligent Software (Room 1-312) Chair: Prof. Maosong Sun (CS Department, THU) 2-2:30pm - "Reducing Energy Cost and Carbon Footprint of Data Centers" by Massoud Pedram (Electrical Engineering, USC) 2:30-3pm - "Low-power IC design" by Zhihua Wang (IME, THU) 4-4:30pm - "Energy-aware schedulers for HPC clusters" by Wenguang Chen (Computer Science, THU) 4:30-5pm - "Greening the Internet: towards design of energy efficient and high throughput routers" by Viktor Prasanna (Electrical Engineering, USC) 5-5:30pm - "Deadlock-free fully adaptive routing in 2D Tori" by Dong Xiang (SS, THU) Track III: Smart Power Grid and Urban Infrastructure (Room 1-415) Chair: Prof. Zuo Zhang (AU Dept., THU) 2-2:30pm - "Design of Smart Power Grid Systems: Issues and Opportunities" by Jay Kuo (Electrical Engineering, USC) 2:30-3pm - "Green Electric Grid in China" by Wei Xue (Computer Science, THU) 3-3:30pm - “Model Predictive Control for Electricity Demand Reduction in Commercial Buildings” by Joe Qin (CHE/MASC, USC) 4-4:30pm - “A Research Initiative: eRUCIE: e-Leaning Network on Risk-managed Underground Civil Infrastructure Engineering” by Xiaohui Cheng (Civil Engineering, THU) 4:30-5pm - “Sensors for energy efficiency” by Andrea Armani (CHE/MASC, USC) 5-5:30pm - “Composite Traffic Flows” by Li Li (AU Dept., THU)

Day 3: Friday, 22 May, 2009

Signing Ceremony of “THU-USC Joint Institute on Smart and Green IT” (Lecture Hall) Chair: Prof. Jun Li (Executive Vice Dean of SIST, THU) Attendees: Tsinghua University Prof. Xu Chen (Vice President) Prof. Kebin He (Executive Vice Dean of the Graduate School) Prof. Lisheng Luo (Director, International Office) Prof. Jiaguang Sun (Dean of the SIST and Director of the TNList. Prof. Jun Li (Executive Vice Dean of the SIST) Prof. Zhisheng Niu (Vice Dean of the SIST) Prof. Zuo Zhang (Chair of the Automation Department Council) Prof. Maosong Sun (Head of the CS Department) Prof. Zhihua Wang (Deputy Director of IME) Prof. Lin Zhang (Deputy Director of EE Department) USC Prof. Yannis Yortsos (Dean of VSoE) Prof. Cauligi S. Raghavendra (Senior Associate Dean of VSoE) Mr. Feng Deng, Alumnus of both Tsinghua and USC Invited government representatives (TBC) 9-9:05am - Welcome by Prof. Xu Chen (Vice President of THU) 9:05-9:15am - Greetings by Prof. Yannis Yortos, Dean of VsoE, USC 9:15-9:20am - Greetings by Prof. Jiaguang Sun, Dean of SIST, USC 9:20-9:30am - Signing Ceremony and Group Photo Keynote Talk (Lecture Hall) Chair: Prof. Jun Li (Executive Vice Dean of SIST, THU) 9:30-10am - “Green and Smart for a Sustainable Future” by Yannis Yortsos (Dean of VSoE, USC, Member of NAE) 10-10:30am - “Chinese Energy Challenges and Way Out” by Zheng Li (Deputy Director of Tsinghua Low-Carbon Lab, THU)

Parallel Sessions

Track IV: Mobile Sensor Networks for Energy Efficiency (Room 1-415) Chair: Prof. Viktor Prasanna (EE Dept., VSoE, USC) 11-11:30am - “Sensor Networks for energy-saving applications: physical-layer and cross-layer aspects” by Andy Molisch (EE Dept., USC) 11:30-12pm - “ASON: Metropolitan Area Sensing and Operation Network” by Lin Zhang (EE Dept., THU) 12-12:30pm - “City-Scale Sensor Networks” by Bhaskar Krishnamachari (Electrical Engineering, USC) Track V: Nanotechnology and Energy Conversion (Room 1-315) Chair: Prof. Yi Luo (EE Dept., SIST, THU) 11-11:30am - “Green Energy Conversion and Storage Based on Novel Nanomaterials” by Chongwu Zhou (Electrical Engineering, USC) 11:30-12pm - “Passive and Active Performances of Slab Photonic Crystal Waveguides” by Yidong Huang (Electrical Engineering, THU) 12-12:30pm - “Fundamentals of nanowires and energy devices” by Jia Grace Lu (Electrical Engineering, USC) 12:30-2pm - Lunch with Students (ZhiLanYuan Restaurant) 2–4pm - Lab Tours and Individual Discussions with corresponding professors 4–5pm - Wrap-up and group discussion on the joint institute (FIT 1-315)

Published on June 7th, 2017

Last updated on May 28th, 2024