USC-THU 2012 Research Symposium
Agenda of 6th THU-USC Faculty Research Symposium on
Green Technology and Energy Informatics
Dates: 2-3 May, 2012 Venue: Los Angeles
Day 1: Wednesday, 2 May, 2012
7:30 - 8:00 AM - Continental Breakfast 8:00am - 8:40 AM - Opening Ceremonies - Chair : Joe Qin Welcoming Remarks by Elizabeth Garrett, USC Provost and Senior Vice President Welcoming Remarks by Viterbi School of Engineering Dean Yannis Yortsos Welcoming Remarks by Xu Chen, VP, THU Welcoming Remarks by Zhisheng Niu, Deputy Dean, THU School of Information Science and Technology (SIST)8:40 - 9:25 AM - Keynote - Qiang Yo (THU), Professor and Executive Director, Laboratory of Low Carbon Energy, Tsinghus University "Energy Technologies cooperation between China and USA: Challenge and Opportunity"
9:25 - 10:10 AM - Keynote - Viktor Prasanna (USC), Charles Lee Powell Chair in Engineering, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Director of the Center for Energy Informatics, USC "Research in Energy Informatics"
10:10 - 10:30 AM - Break
10:30 - 12:00 PM - Chair: Prof. Zhisheng Niu "One-step Processing of Mesoporous Titania Film for Chemical Sensor and Solar Cell Applications " by Hai Wang, USC "NOx Reduction Technologies for Coal fired Power Plants" by Hai Zhang, THU "Optimization of Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Systems" by Massoud Pedram, USC
12:00 - 02:00 PM - LUNCH
2:00 - 3:30 PM - Chair: Prof. Murali Annavaram (USC) : Poster Session by Graduate Students "Fast and Smoothed Packet Classification" by Jun Li, THU "Design of Energy Efficent Video Sharing Servers in Cloud Data Center" by Jay Kuo, USC "IoT for Smart Grid" by Junwei Cao, THU
3:30:10 - 3:50 PM - Break
3:50 - 5:50 PM - Chair: Prof. Jun Li (THU) : Poster Session "Plant Wide Control Strategies for Flexible Operation of Power Plant with CO2 Capture Plant and Multi-Stage Compressor" by Shi-Shang Jang, THU "An Introduction to Integrated Media Systems Center" by Cyrus Shahabi, USC "A Novel Hyper-Cellular Architecture for Globally Resource optimized and Energy Efficient Networks (GREEN)" by Zhisheng Niu, THU "Next-Generation Power Lines with Increased Efficient, Reduced Line Losses, Lower Power Plant Emissions" by Steven Nutt, USC
Day 2: Thursday, 3 May, 2012
7:30 - 8:00 AM - Continental Breakfast8:00 - 10:00 AM - Chair: Prof. Samuel Qingshan Jia (THU) "Analyzing Aggregated Generation Characteristics of Geographically Distributed Wind Farms " by Xiaohong Guan, THU "Green Wireless Networks" by Bhaskar Krishnamachari, USC "Behavior driven building energy management: adaptive and interactive cyber-social-physical systems for building energy efficiency" by Burcin Becerik, USC "Energy Efficient Building Control Research in Tsinghua University with Comfort and Security Constraints" by Qianchuan Zhao, THU
10:00 - 10:20 AM - Break
10:20 - 11:50 AM - Chair: Prof. Qiang Huang (USC) "New Advances in Reservoir Monitoring " by Fred Aminzadeh, USC "Smart Building Facilitated by Integrated Terminal Control and Wireless Sensor Networks" by Samuel Qingshan Jia, THU "Optimal Planning of Hydropower system with Water Consumption Constraints" by Xi Chen, THU "Energy Efficient Building Control Research in Tsinghua University with Comfort and Security Constraints" by Qianchuan Zhao, THU
11:50 - 12:00 PM - Closing
Published on June 7th, 2017
Last updated on May 28th, 2024