“There is no end goal for AI ethics, there will always be something new to mitigate”

| June 12, 2024

EPISODE 26 | ISI’s Artificial Intelligence director, anthropologist Adam Russell, gets to know his researchers. This week: Rebecca Dorn

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AI/nsiders – ISI

Adam Russell, AI/nthropologist and Director of the AI Division at the USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI), is on a journey to help build a better world with AI. He interviews the ISI humans behind AI to understand what motivates them, how they shape AI today, and where they hope AI will go.

Rebecca Dorn, a research assistant at ISI, explains what drew her to studying inequity in AI. She explains why there’s no such thing as an end goal for AI ethics, why complex terminology can exclude people from conversations, and why it could be interesting to train a model to learn about vampires.  They discuss getting surprising findings when examining tweets, looking forward to the ways AI could be used as a tool, and observing the need for changing regulations. They share the people they look to better understand technological news and what can be done about it. Listen to her episode below.

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See the transcript here.

Published on June 12th, 2024

Last updated on July 1st, 2024

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