The Grid, co-developed at ISI and Argonne National Laboratories, has played a key role in IPCC climate change research, recognized October 11 by a Nobel Peace Prize shared with former Vice President Al Gore.
ISI grid researcher Ann Chervenak sent out this message October 12, the day after the annoucement, making the connection between grid middleware developed by the Globus Project started by grid pioneers Carl Kesselman (of ISI) and Ian Masters (Argonne) and the prize:
“As you have probably heard, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an international panel of thousands of scientists who share and compare their climate science results and come to consensus on how the earth’s climate is changing and what needs to be done about it.
“You may not know that your efforts support the work of the IPCC through the Earth System Grid project.
IPCC scientists in 13 countries publish and share their climate simulation models and results through the ESG portal at Lawrence Livermore National Lab.
The latest stats on this portal:
Holds 35 TB of data in 77,400 files
1,245 registered analysis projects
Downloads to date: 245 TB in 914,400 files
Download rate: 500 GB/day on average
“Globus tools and services used by ESG include GridFTP, RLS, MDS4 Index and Trigger Services, and GSI. (ESG integrates other tools as well, including SRM and OpenDAP.)
“Our middleware helps to make this important climate science possible.”
Published on October 15th, 2007
Last updated on June 5th, 2024