Global Online Symposia Focus on COVID-19 Research

| June 30, 2020 

Faculty presentations help address COVID-19 and related technology topics

The USC Viterbi School of Engineering recently hosted two joint global research symposia mostly related to COVID-19 research, with the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), in Bangalore, India, and Tsinghua University (THU), in Beijing, China.

The “USC Viterbi-IISc Faculty Research Symposium on COVID-19” was held on June 11 and was coordinated by Vice Dean of Global Academic Initiatives Cauligi “Raghu” Raghavendra, alumnus of IISc and IISc Professor Vijay Kumar, previously on USC Viterbi’s faculty. The symposium focused on topics such as epidemic forecasting, privacy and contact tracing, machine learning as well as “sound biomarkers” left by COVID-19.

June 11th  USC Viterbi-IISc symposium


The symposium with Tsinghua University was held on June 15 and 16, and was an online version of the annual USC Viterbi–Tsinghua University research symposium, first held in 2006. It is endowed by Netscreen Technologies Inc, founder and USC Viterbi alumnus Feng Deng, now the founding managing director of Beijing-based Northern Light Venture Capital. This year, much of the discussion focused on such advances in the battle against COVID-19. To accommodate for the time differences, the symposium was a two-day event. It also included such topics as communications networks and the increasing importance of autonomous vehicles for medical supply delivery,  neuro-inspired computing, contact tracing, IoT and smart buildings, natural language processing, and robotics and UV-disinfection.

USC Viterbi-THU Day 1

USC Viterbi-THU Day 2

Professor Raghavendra said that he plans to organize more such joint events, which he indicated “allow for Viterbi faculty get to better know our partner institutions’ faculty for collaborative projects.”


Published on June 30th, 2020

Last updated on August 6th, 2024

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