Azad Madni Receives the Prestigious INCOSE 2019 Founders Award

| September 10, 2019 

Azad Madni becomes the first INCOSE fellow to be awarded both the INCOSE Founders and INCOSE Pioneer Awards.

Garry Roedler, President of INCOSE, (left) bestows Azad Madni (right) with the INCOSE 2019 Founders Award, . PHOTO/ANDREW PICARD.

Azad Madni, executive director of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering System Architecting and Engineering Program and professor of astronautical engineering, received the 2019 INCOSE Founders Award. A prestigious annual honor bestowed by the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Madni was acknowledged for his work advancing INCOSE’s status through sustained contributions to the organization. In 2011, Madni was also awarded the INCOSE Pioneer Award for recognition in the crucial frontiers of systems engineering and for working effectively to advance the theory, tools and products required for the future of this profession. He is the only INCOSE fellow to receive both awards.

Madni’s work focuses on model-based methods for engineering autonomous and intelligent systems. He is also the creator of model-driven storytelling, which combines model-based engineering with interactive storytelling. He is the founding chair of IEEE SMC’s award-winning Technical Committee for Model Based Systems Engineering. He has received several prestigious awards and honors from the U.S. Government, aerospace industry, professional societies, and commercial organizations. He pioneered the field of transdisciplinary systems engineering and wrote a highly acclaimed book on the subject entitled, Transdisciplinary Systems Engineering: Exploiting Convergence in a Hyper-Connected World (Springer, 2018). He is the director of the Distributed Autonomy and Intelligent Systems (DAIS) Laboratory, where he conducts research in self-driving cars and distributed autonomous swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles..

For more about the award, please click here.

Published on September 10th, 2019

Last updated on September 10th, 2019

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