Faculty Awards
National & International Honors
External Awards: Advanced Career and Early Career – With the exception of the award categories shown in the bulleted list below, awards falling under the external, national and international awards category are developed and submitted by the faculty office for external, national and international awards, occasionally in collaboration with the USC President's, Provost's or other offices or schools.
Exceptions: these applications/nominations are developed and submitted by faculty candidates and/or departments:
- Research grant proposals (or CAREER, PECASE, other federal grant applications) Developed and submitted by faculty candidates.
- Regional or local society award nominations - Developed and submitted by faculty candidates/department and/or outside colleagues.
- Most fellow or other membership-level nominations - Coordinated by nominee department and/or outside colleagues; but AAAS Fellow nominations may be solicited/produced by faculty external awards office in collaboration with others.
- Early Career Research Grants (e.g. CAREER, PECASE, ONR, AFOSR and other grant applications)
Applications produced by faculty applicants. Deadlines: various - Other Research Grant Applications (all other career stages, e.g. NSF PAESMEM & other NSF grants, DARPA, etc.)
- Professional Society Fellow Nominations (e.g. IEEE, ASME, IIE, ASCE, ACM, SPIE, AIChE, etc.) Coordinated/produced by departments/fellow candidates/external peer groups. Deadlines: various
- Regional, Best Paper and Other Local Academic Community Awards - Nominations developed/submitted by faculty candidates/departments.
Academy Member Nominations (e.g. AMACAD, IOM, NAE, NAS, etc.) Nominations coordinated/produced by members-only committees. Deadlines: year-round
Other Awards of the U.S. Academies (e.g. NSF Waterman Award, Lemelson-MIT Prize, various NAE awards, etc.) Produced by faculty external awards office in collaboration with nominees and occasionally in collaboration with University Administration. Deadlines: year-round
(e.g. Guggenheim, Humboldt, NAS Jefferson Science, Packard, Sloan, etc.) Applications produced by faculty external awards office in collaboration with faculty applicants with exception of Packard and Sloan (these are administered by University as they are institutionally limited). Deadlines: various
USC & Viterbi Annual Awards
Internal Awards - By and large, nominations for USC or Viterbi School awards are prepared and submitted to the appropriate committees by departments.
Nominations produced by departments
Viterbi School Awards for Research
Viterbi School Award for Teaching
Viterbi School Award Service
Deadlines: late Feb/early March
Endowed Chairs and Professorships - Produced by Faculty Affairs Office in the Dean's Office.
Deadlines: various
Presidential Medallion - Recipients selected by USC President
Associates Award for Creativity in Research - Nominations produced and submitted by departments
Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching - Nominations produced and submitted by departments
Provost’s Mentoring Award - Nominations produced and submitted by departments
Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award - Solicited of Dean by the USC Faculty Emeriti Center; nominations developed and submitted by departments
Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Recognition Award - Produced by departments or individual candidates can self-nom. Deans can also nominate
Deadlines: typically 3rd week Oct through 1st week Nov.
USC/Mellon Awards for Excellence in Mentoring - all but the “Special Award” for mentoring presented annually. Nominations produced by departments
Deadlines: late Feb.
Distinguished Professorships - Produced by departments; candidate rankings submitted to Provost by Dean
University Professorships - Produced by departments; candidate rankings submitted to Provost by Dean
Deadlines: mid- to late Sept.
Published on December 6th, 2016
Last updated on November 26th, 2024