ISI Announces Diverse Seminar Series

| September 7, 2016 

New seminar series runs the ISI research gamut.

ISI has kicked off six different seminar series that reach across the Institute’s research spectrum: cybersecurity, scientific computing, artificial intelligence, cyber physical systems, natural language and heterogeneous computing.

Speakers are being drawn from USC, other leading universities and research groups, and from ISI’s own faculty, staff and students.

A seventh series features distinguished ISI alumni who share perspectives on their current work, look back at groundbreaking research, and otherwise examine what their ISI experience has meant. These alumni will span research areas and time frames, from our early years to the current decade, in what promise to be lively, engaging events.

Each series will be diverse in its own right. For example, proposed cybersecurity topics include malware analysis, usable and mobile security, and hardware execution cryptography and privacy. Cyber physical (“internet of things”) systems topics aim to range from scientific and technical â&euro” including sensors, data analytics and machine learning â&euro” to the broader implications of internet ubiquity. And scientific computing aims to cover applications, methodologies, tools and infrastructure, such as portal interfaces, data interfaces and workflow management. Other series will be equally far-reaching.

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While most dates aren’t yet scheduled, natural language seminars usually are held weekly on Fridays at 3:00 pm. AI seminars generally take place every other week on Fridays at 11:00 a.m. All seminars will be announced in the ISI calendar as coordinators firm up the details. As a rule, seminars will be open to non-USC researchers, and may be video conferenced with Arlington and/or webcast.

ISI leadership looks forward to these exceptional series, and hopes each of you at the Institute â&euro” and many of our USC colleagues â&euro” will take advantage of this opportunity to learn about new research in and outside your immediate field. We thank everyone involved for keeping ISI on the sharpest leading edge.

Individuals coordinating each series are: cybersecurity, Terry Benzel; scientific computing, Ewa Deelman; artificial intelligence, Emilio Ferrara; cyber physical systems, Alefiya Hussain; natural language, Kevin Knight; heterogeneous computing, J.P. Walters. Matthew French is handling the distinguished alumni series, while Yigal Arens recruited the coordinators and is managing the project overall. ISIers are welcome to contribute speaker ideas; please contact the appropriate series coordinator.

Published on September 7th, 2016

Last updated on May 16th, 2024

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