From the USC Viterbi Magazine: Letting Robots Guide the Learning Experience

| June 16, 2021 

For years, Maja Matarić has been bringing robots into the world of people. Now she wants to bring people into the world of robots.

Maja Mataric

Think about how you learned when you were a child. Many of us were schooled in colorful rooms full of visual stimuli and packed with other kids. We were asked to be quiet, stop moving and concentrate, pay attention and listen. These days, however, especially in a time of widespread virtual learning, children sit in front of a screen filled with stimuli and tell them to focus.

Maja Matarić, a renowned roboticist and computer scientist, envisions a different world, one in which learners of all ages and abilities can learn together with the help of socially assistive robots in a mixed-reality environment.


Published on June 16th, 2021

Last updated on May 16th, 2024

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