USC at IROS ‘22

| October 26, 2022 

USC researchers present 15 wide-ranging papers at IROS 2022, one of the world’s largest robotics conferences.

USC researchers present 15 papers at the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).

From robots that learn to gently handle objects by watching demonstrations, to more efficient search-and-rescue robots that “see through” darkness and dust, USC researchers have co-authored 15 papers at the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), which takes place at the Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan, Oct. 23-27.  

As one of the largest and most impactful research conferences in the world, IROS showcases leading-edge research in intelligent robots and smart machines.  The conference focuses on future directions in robotics, and the latest approaches, designs and outcomes. It also provides an opportunity for researchers to network with the world’s leading roboticists. The theme of IROS 2022 is “Embodied AI for a Symbiotic Society.”

“IROS is one of the two largest annual robotics conferences in the world,” said Gaurav Sukhatme, the Fletcher Jones Foundation Endowed Chair in Computer Science and Executive Vice Dean of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and an Amazon Scholar. “Roboticists at USC pursue a wide variety of problems in intelligent robots and systems and this diversity is reflected in USC’s strong representation at the conference.”

In addition, Maja Matarić, the Chan Soon-Shiong Chair and Distinguished Professor of computer science, neuroscience, and pediatrics, was honored as one of the 35 Women in Robotics Engineering and Science (WiRES) at the event’s Anniversary Forum, where she gave a keynote on “assistive and social robots.” 

Boldened name = USC student/faculty  

Accepted papers

Learning to Act with Affordance-Aware Multimodal Neural SLAM 

By Zhiwei Jia, Kaixiang Lin, Yizhou Zhao, Qiaozi Gao, Govind Thattai, Gaurav Sukhatme 

Safety Compliant Control for Robotic Manipulator with Task and Input Constraints 

By Muhammad Ali Murtaza, Sergio Aguilera, Muhammad Waqas, Seth Hutchinson 

LAMP 2.0: A Robust Multi-Robot SLAM System for Operation in Challenging Large-Scale Underground Environments 

Yun Chang, Kamak Ebadi, Christopher E. Denniston, Muhammad Fadhil Ginting, Antoni Rosinol, Andrzej Reinke, Matteo Palieri, Jingnan Shi, Arghya Chatterjee, Benjamin Morrell, Ali-akbar Agha-mohammadi, Luca Carlone 

Loop Closure Prioritization for Efficient and Scalable Multi-Robot SLAM 

Christopher E. Denniston, Yun Chang, Andrzej Reinke, Kamak Ebadi, Gaurav Sukhatme, Luca Carlone, Benjamin Morrell 

Inferring Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics from RGBD Video 

Eric Heiden, Ziang Liu, Vibhav Vineet, Erwin Coumans, Gaurav Sukhatme 

Informative Path Planning to Estimate Quantiles for Environmental Analysis 

Isabel M. Rayas Fernández, Christopher E. Denniston, David A. Caron, Gaurav Sukhatme

Balancing Control and Pose Optimization for Wheel-Legged Robots Navigating High Obstacles 

Junheng Li, Junchao Ma, Quan Nguyen 

Multi-Goal Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery

Qinghong, Xu, Jiaoyang Li, Sven Koenig, Hang Ma 

Asynchronous Real-Time Decentralized Multi-Robot Trajectory Planning  

Baskın Senbaslar, Gaurav Sukhatme 

Efficient Multi-Task Learning Via Iterated Single-Task Transfer

K.R. Zentner, Ujjwal Puri, Yulun Zhang, Ryan Julian, Gaurav Sukhatme 

 Robust High-Speed Running for Quadruped Robots Via Deep Reinforcement Learning

Guillaume Bellegarda, Yiyu Chen, Zhuochen Liu, Quan Nguyen  

Planning of Obstacle-Aided Navigation for Multi-Legged Robots Using a Sampling-Based Method Over Directed Graphs 

Kaustav Chakraborty, Haodi Hu, Matthew Kvalheim, Feifei Qian 

Learning Deformable Object Manipulation from Expert Demonstrations

Gautam Salhotra, I-Chun Arthur Liu, Marcus Dominguez-Kuhne, Gaurav Sukhatme 

Contact-Timing and Trajectory Optimization for 3D Jumping on Quadruped Robots

Van Chuong Nguyen, Quan Nguyen 

ACHORD: Communication-Aware Multi-Robot Coordination with Intermittent Connectivity 

Maira Saboia Da Silva, Lillian Clark, Vivek Thangavelu, Jeffrey Edlund, Kyohei Otsu, Gustavo J. Correa, Vivek shankar Varadharajan, Angel Santamaria-Navarro, Amanda Bouman, Sung-Kyun Kim, Tiago Vaquero, Giovanni Beltrame, Nils Napp, Gustavo Pessin, Ali-akbar Agha-mohammadi 

Published on October 26th, 2022

Last updated on May 16th, 2024

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