Summer Research Programs - China Mainland

The Viterbi School of Engineering's India summer research programs offer engineering students at USC and partner institutions the opportunity to gain hands-on research experience supervised by faculty members at hosting institutions.

The two-month research internships give Viterbi graduate and undergraduate students research opportunities, while at the same time bringing international students and researchers to USC to work in collaboration with USC faculty. The program also promotes short-term faculty exchange visits of up to one semester.

Partner Universities

Tsinghua University, School of Information Science & Technology
Beijing, China

Supported by USC and Tshinghua University alumnus Feng Deng, the partnership supports extensive technical research between USC and Tshinghua University.
Partnership details >>

The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Hong Kong, China

Program details >>

Published on March 9th, 2017

Last updated on June 21st, 2024