Globalization News Archive

May 19 - July 15, 2024: 15 students from India completed summer research with USC faculty as part of the IUSSTF-Viterbi Summer Research Program. Final presentations were made on July 15, 2024.

February 6, 2024: Consul General Dr. Srikar Reddy Koppula, from the Consulate General of India in San Francisco, visited USC and engaged in discussions with President Carol Folt. He was also hosted by USC Viterbi and interacted with various student groups. Read More

January 14-19, 2024: A USC Viterbi Delegation, including Dean Yortsos, visited India, with stops in Mumbai, Bengaluru and Delhi. The delegates visited several universities and met with various members of the Viterbi India Advisory Board. They joined a larger group headed by President Folt.

The USC Viterbi delegation signed a partnership agreement with the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad to deepen educational and research ties.

During the India visit, USC Viterbi hosted a panel on AI, titled “AI Innovation within Health, Advanced Manufacturing and Sustainability” in Bengaluru, moderated by Bloomberg Asia reporter Saritha Rai. Read More

October 9-10, 2023: A delegation from IIT Mumbai will be visiting the campus. On October 9th, they will be presenting about IIT. On October 10th, they will visit the ISE department.

August 9, 2023: USC Viterbi hosted IIT Hyderabad's Director and Dean for alumni affairs. The IIT-H Director gave a talk and they met with various faculty members, holding discussions on research and education collaboration.

May 16, 2023: The IUSSTF-Viterbi summer research program has started and will continue till July 15, 2023. Thirteen students will work with the USC Viterbi faculty and make their final presentations on July 13, 2023.

May 5, 2023: Professor Yajulu Medury, the VC from Mahindra University, visited USC Viterbi.

April 27, 2023: Professor Guruswami (Ravi) Ravichandran, Provost at Jio Institute, Navi Mumbai, visited USC Viterbi and met with the Dean and several faculty members.

February 8, 2023: The Indo - US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) and the Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California (USC) announced the candidates selected for the prestigious IUSSTF-Viterbi Research Program 2023. Here are further details: IUSSTF – VITERBI Research Internship Awards 2023.

December 2 - 5, 2022: Dean Yorstos and Vice Deans will travel to India for the India Advisory Board meeting on Dec. 5 and Axilor lecture series. While in India they will also meet with alumni and parents and visit some partner institutions.

November 10, 2022: Director General and Head of International Programs from Nirma University visited and met with Dean Yortsos and Vice Dean Raghavendra to discuss education and curriculum activities.

November 8, 2022: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, and USC Viterbi partnered to host 11 KAUST students and work with the USC Viterbi faculty during summer.

USC Viterbi partnered with The American University in the Department of State Sister2Sister Exchange Program (2020-2023). The program aims to bring Pakistani female college students from disadvantaged backgrounds to attend summer programs in the United States. Two students were selected to come to USC Viterbi from June 27 to August 5 and work with the faculty.

November 1, 2022: IUSSTF-Viterbi Program for summer 2023 for research for Indian students has been announced with the deadline of December 15, 2022.

June 27, 2022: 13 students from Tsinghua University participated remotely in a summer research program along with faculty members at USC, for about 8 weeks.

May 18 - July 15, 2022: IUSSTF-Viterbi India students came to USC to conduct research with our faculty. 5 students came to campus and 10 students participated remotely from India. The final presentations for all 15 students were held on July 15th via Zoom.

May 9 - May 11, 2022: The USC-THU Annual Faculty Research Symposium was held on May 9-10 and May 10-11 via Zoom.

March 9, 2022: Discussions were held between Rudra Pratap, Vice Chancellor of Plaksha University and Vice Dean Raghavendra and faculty at USC Viterbi

January 22, 2022: Prof. S. K. Gupta from USC Viterbi delivered a seminar titled "Human-Robot-AI Teams for Improving Quality of Life: A Journey from Research to Innovations", to over 1600 freshmen students at IIT Delhi, inspiring them to consider research as a future career option.

January 7, 2022: Vice Dean Cauligi Raghavendra delivered a talk to incoming Indian students at an orientation seminar organized by the Association of Indian Students.

December 16, 2021: India Advisory Board meeting was held online via Zoom.

December 6, 2021: USC Viterbi hosted B. L. Ramakrishna, Chief Academic Advisor to Plaksha University, India, on December 6-7. They discussed possible education program collaborations.

December 1, 2021: India Advisory Board meeting was held online via Zoom.

China and East Asia Advisory Board meeting was held online via Zoom.

India Advisory Board meeting was held online via Zoom. USC Viterbi further hosted Dr. B. L. Ramakrishna, Chief Academic Advisor to Plaksha University, India, on December 6-7. Being a new private University, they discussed possible education program collaborations.

November 10, 2021: A delegation from the National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan, led by Pro Rector (Academics) Osman Hasan was hosted by USC Viterbi, for discussions on collaborative efforts for research and education.

October 19, 2021: Participants in the Communication Data Science Dual Degree Program with Tsinghua University arrived in August 2021 to begin a year of coursework at USC.

June 28 - September 2, 2021: Through a partnership between THU and USC, students from THU participated in a Virtual Summer Research Program and were guided by the Faculty Members and Mentors at USC. The final presentations by these participants were held on September 2, 2021. Some students from USC also participated in a 6-week long Virtual Research Program at THU and were guided by the Faculty Members at THU.

May 15 - July 22, 2021: The Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) and the Viterbi School of Engineering, USC partnered to provide a virtual 8-week Summer Research Program to Indian Students guided by Faculty and Mentors at USC. The final presentations were made by the participating students on July 22.

May 6-7, 2021: THU-USC Faculty Research Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning held virtually between USC and Tsinghua University. It consisted of the Symposium Opening program and two technical sessions on May 6, followed by two other technical sessions on May 7 at THU.

September 16, 2020: USC-IISc 2nd Faculty Research Online Symposium on COVID-19. 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM at USC/ 8:30 PM to 11:00 PM at IISc. Agenda and Zoom meeting link.

USC-IISc 2nd Faculty Research Online Symposium on COVID-19. 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM at USC/ 8:30 PM to 11:00 PM at IISc.

June 15-16, 2020USC-THU Faculty Research Symposium on Data Analytics and Informatics. June 15-16, 2020 5:30 - 8:00 PM PDT at USC/ June 16-17, 2020 8:30 - 11:00 AM CDT at THU. Agenda and Zoom Registration Link.

June 11, 2020: USC-IISc Faculty Research Online Symposium on COVID-19. 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM at USC/ 8:30 PM to 11:00 PM at IISc. Agenda and Zoom meeting Link.

February 3, 2020: A small delegation from Plaksha University, a recently developed university in India, visited Viterbi to met with Dean, Vice deans, and faculty for discussions on programs and education collaboration.

December 13, 2019: The India Advisory Board meeting was held in Bangalore and the Dean participated in a fireside chat hosted by Saritha Rai. Following this, Viterbi-Axilor lectures on innovation and entrepreneurship was held with many parents and alumni attending the event.

December 12, 2019: Dean, Vice Dean, and other delegates from Viterbi visited Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences in Bangalore and signed MoU between USC Viterbi and RUAS with media publicity. The Dean also gave a distinguished lecture titled “Engineering a Better World for All Humanity” to RUAS faculty and students.

November 23, 2019: Dean Yortsos traveled to Beijing on Nov 23 for the China Advisory Board meeting and also met with alumni and parents.

September 13, 2019: A delegation from Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, led by Vice Chancellor Sivaguru Sritharan visited Viterbi for discussions on research and education collaboration.

August 6, 2019: Director and Deans from IIT Bhubaneswar visited USC Viterbi for faculty recruitment.

July 1, 2019: Students from THU and KAU took part in a 6 week summer research program.

June 18, 2019: Delegates from Amrita University, led by Dr. Maneesha V Ramesh, Dean for International Programs, were hosted by Viterbi School of Engineering for discussions on research and education.

May 20, 2019: 17 out of 500 students were selected to undertake a research internship at the Viterbi School of Engineering in Summer for a period of 8 weeks. They presented their projects on July 10th.

March 18, 2019: Dr. Mehul Naik, Director of International Affairs, Nirma University met with dean, vice dean and alumni.

March 15, 2019: Join Professor SK Gupta in conversation with EducationUSA Adviser Archit Guha conducted the Facebook Live session which covered the applications of robotics in both academia and industry, and why the US is the most exciting place to explore this cutting-edge field!
Link : Facebook Live

Dr. Mehul Naik, Director of International Affairs, Nirma University met with dean, vice dean and alumni.

February 14, 2019: A delegation from SJTU lead by their dean visited USC.

February 8, 2019: Inha University’s president Myeong-Woo Cho and several deans visited the campus. President Cho met with Interim President Austin and Michael Quick.

February 4, 2019: Prof. Teng from Chung Yuan Christian University(CYCU) visited USC Viterbi to discuss collaboration and signing an MOU.

February 1, 2019: SRM Universtiy Vice Chancellor, Sandeep Sancheti and Director for International Affairs, Kartar Singh met with professors, SRM alumni, and discussed collaboration with USC.

December 14, 2018: An article on "Need of Chief Ethics Officer to address consequences of tech advances" written by Dean Yortsos was published in The Indian Express.
Read Article here.

December 14, 2018: Viterbi-Axilor Lecture series was organized

  • The Great India Roadtrips -
    Gautam Trivedi, Co-Founder, Managing Partner, Nepean Capital
  • May The Work(force) Be With You! Empowering Businesses Through AI -
    Madhulika Mazumdar, Founding Member, Chief Game Scientist, Recommender Labs
    Nitya Mathew, Founding Member, Chief Product Designer, Recommender Labs
  • Bridging Healthcare Divide : From Lab to Land -
    Dr, Navakanta Bhat, Co-Founder PathShodh Healthcare, Professor, Center for Nano Science and
    Engineering, IISc
  • Creating The World of Smart Energy….From Villages to Cities -
    Dr. Kushant Uppal, CEO, Intelizon

December 14, 2018: India Advisory Board meeting was organized at Bangalore, Dean had a "Fireside Chat" with Saritha Rai.

December 13, 2018: Dean and other delegates from USC had dinner event with USC Alumni and Parents.

December 12, 2018: Dean Yostsos gave a Keynote talk at VJTI “The Era for the Solution of Grand Challenges” & moderated panel discussion on “The Accelerating Impact of Technology on Entrepreneurship, Industry and Society”.

December 12, 2018: Dean Yortsos met with deans for international affairs from Nirma Univ., SRM Univ. & Sri Vidyaniketan and discussed adopting Grand Challenge Scholars Program.

October 1, 2018: Ganapati Venugopal, CEO Axilor, visited USC campus. He discussed about entrepreneurship , innovation. He also visited Viterbi Startup Garage.

July 20, 2018: Under the IUSSTF-Viterbi program, 18 students from India came to USC for conducting research with faculty for 8 weeks. At the end of the program students presented their research in a poster session.

June 15, 2018: As one of its flagship bilateral programs, the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) administers the United States-India Science & Technology Endowment Fund (USISTEF), through which Grant-in-Aid support is provided to start-up initiatives to the extent of USD 400,000 Read more>>

December 13, 2019: The India advisory board meeting was held in Bangalore on Friday, December 13.

November 23, 2019: Dean Yortsos traveled to Beijing on Nov 23 for the China Advisory Board meeting and also met with alumni and parents.

October 2019: Dean Yannis C. Yortsos served for the fourth consecutive time on the steering committee for Global Grand Challenges Summit, held in London this year.
A delegation from Uganda Parliament in ICT visited USC Viterbi on Oct. 22-23 to explore research and education collaborations.

May 2019: Summer research students from India, China and Korea were hosted on campus in an 8 week research program.

December 8-10, 2018: Dean Yortsos and several Viterbi faculty (Dr. M.M. Dessouky, Dr. K.K. Shung, Dr. S.Y. Wu) visited CYCU for discussions on research and education collaborations.

December 2018: Dean Yannis Yortsos and other delegates from USC visited India. The purpose of this visit was to meet with Alumni, Deans of Indian Universities and India Advisory Board meeting.

October 31, 2018: A delegation from Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen (HITSZ) visited USC on October 31. They met with Dean Yortsos, Vice Deans Raghavendra and Johnson, and several faculty and discussed collaboration. Delegation was interested in academic exchange, partnership, visiting scholars, etc.

October 2018: USC Viterbi signed an MoU for CAIS USC in presence of Hon Chief Minister of state Maharashtra Mr Devendra Fadnavis in Mumbai today at Sahyadri for using AI for GOOD in Maharashtra, India.

October 3, 2018: Mr. Abdallah Salih Jum’ah, Chairman of the Board for The Saudi Investment Bank visited USC campus. He met with Dean Yannis Yortsos and senior associate Deans on current collaborations between the school and Saudi Aramco.

September 20, 2018: VSoE hosted a delegation from Uganda Parliament during Sept. 18-20. This group is committee on technology and infrastructure in Uganda government. They met with deans and faculty to explore collaboration opportunities.

August 12, 2018: In our partnership with Tsinghua University, 12 students from THU came to USC for summer research for about 6 weeks. At the end of the program students presented their research in a poste session.

Read more about the last symposium here>>

July 25, 2018: Professor Puente Urruzmendi from Tecnun-University of Navarra (Spain), met with Professor Raghu Raghavendra to to explore opportunities of cooperation with Viterbi School of Engineering.

July 23, 2018: Professor Vincent Cheng, Associate Vice President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, met with Professor Raghu Raghavendra to discuss collaborations in education with the University of Southern California.

June 12, 2018: The Directors of USC International Offices met to discuss the activities of USC Viterbi School of Engineering.

March 9-22, 2018: Prof. Raghu Raghavendra, Vice Dean for Global Academic Initiatives Visited several universities in India to discuss academic and research collaborations. He also held several meetings to discuss Grand Challenge Scholars Program (GCSP) and followed up on the talks he had last time around in December.

March 1, 2018: Boonsieng Benjauthrit (USC alumnus), and Mr. Charoonkiat Phattharamontrisin, CEO of Nano Bio Thailand visited USC. They held talks to collaborate with USC to use nano-organisms to protect red wood trees from bark beetles. Initially there will be a lab test and later on it will be implemented on field.

May 29, 2018: A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between USC Viterbi School of Engineering/Annenberg School of Communications and Journalism and Tsinghua University when Dean Yannis Yortsos visited the University in China, to establish a dual degree program.

July 2018: Students from China and Korea will be coming to USC Viterbi for 5 weeks to attend Summer research program.

May 2018: A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between USC Viterbi and National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan to establish a partnership to pursue collaborative research, faculty and student exchange, and engagement in educational collaboration.

April 17, 2018: A 3 member delegation from The Chinese University of HongKong (CUHK), Shenzhen visited USC Viterbi. The delegation included Professor Jesús Seade (Associate Vice President for Global Affairs), Professor Changwen Chen (Dean, School of Science and Engineering) and Mr. Paul Ke (Director of Academic Links).

March 6, 2018: A delegation of Peisen Huang (Dean and Prof. Mechanical Engineering), Gang Zheng (Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education), Horst Hohberger (Faculty Advisor to International Programs) from SJTU-UM Visited USC Viterbi.

Apr 3, 2018: Dean of USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Yannis Yortsos, met with the minister of Commerce of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Majed bin Abdullah Al-Qasabi to discuss reforms in education.

March 5, 2018: Dean Yortsos met with 6 member delegate from Taipei Medical University. Delegate consisted of: Prof. Chien-Huang Lin (President), Prof. Chien-Hsi Wu (Vice President, International Affairs), Prof. Chaur-Jong Hu (Vice Superintendent for Research Affairs Shuang Ho Hospital), Prof. Hsing-Jien Kung( Chair Professor, PhD Program for Cancer Biology and Drug Discovery), Prof. Pei-Shan Tsai (Dean, Office of Global Engagement), Ms. Andrea Liu, (Staff, Office of Global Engagement)

June 27, 2017: Students from China and aerospace students from Korea came to USC Viterbi for Summer Research Program

May 15-17, 2017: The 11th USC-THU Faculty Research Symposium was held in Beijing on May 15-17 with the theme of The 4th Industrial Revolution: Enabling Tools and Methods. The symposium had talks and discussion sessions.
June 13, 2018: Delegates from Amrita University met with Prof. Raghu Raghavendra, Vice Dean for Global Academic Initiatives, and faculty to discuss about education and research collaboration.

April 10, 2018: Indo US Collaboration in Engineering Education (IUCEE) delegation visited USC Viterbi and met with Prof. Raghavendra. They also attended Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programs at USC Viterbi and visited several labs during their visit.

February 20, 2018: Vice-Chancellor Prof. Anu Singh Lather and Prof. Pravir Kumar (Dean, Alumni affairs) of Delhi Technological University (DTU) Visited USC Viterbi.

January 16, 2018: Association of Indian Students at USC organised an orientation for incoming graduate students from India. Prof. Raghu Raghavendra attended the event and welcomed the new batch of students to USC.

May 17, 2018: Students from India will be coming to USC Viterbi for 8 weeks to attend Viterbi-IUSSTF Program. Read more>>

December 15, 2017: Viterbi-Axilor entrepreneurship lecture series was held in Bengaluru. The series had several lectures by alumnis and successful entrepreneurs. Prof. Krishna Nayak from Ming Hsieh EE Dept., was one of the speakers at this event. Read more>>

November 8, 2017: Prof. Pankaj Jalote, Director of IIIT Delhi, visited USC Viterbi on Nov. 8th. He gave a presentation about IIIT Delhi and met with soon to be graduating PhD students.

October 15, 2017: Students from India celebrated festival of Diwali at Bovard auditorium. It included performances from students and a message from Viterbi Dean.Read more>>

December 11-15, 2017: India Advisory Board meeting which was held in Bangalore on Friday, Dec. 15 attended by Dean Yannis Yortsos. Dinner event was organised in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore for alumni/parents where the invited attendees got to see all the advances of VSoE. Read more >>

December 6-8, 2017: Advisory board meeting was held in Beijing and Hong Kong. Dean Yannis Yortsos attended the meeting and met with industry leaders. Dinner event was organised for alumnis and parents at Grand Hyatt, Hongkong.

October 16-17, 2017: Workshop on AI for Social Good will take place at IISC (Indian School of Sciences Bangalore) campus. It is being organized by Microsoft Research. Four faculty members and two students from USC will be presenting. Read more >>

October 4, 2017: iPodia Fall 2017 classroom is the largest global classroom to date. It is bringing in 11 universities from different countries together on one platform. Read more

September 21-23, 2017: USC Global Conference took place in Tokyo, Japan. It featured a number of prominent speakers from the US and Japan.

Sept 26, 2017: Hadas Shafir, Marketing Director, Technion International School in Israel visited USC Viterbi School of Engineering.

September 11, 2017: Sunil Kant Munjal, Chancellor of BML Munjal University, Gurgaon visited USC Viterbi and met with Dean and Vice Dean to discuss collaboration.

August 23, 2017: Association of Indian Students (AIS) at USC organised a welcome reception for incoming grad students from India.

August 8, 2017: Delegation of 10 people from Thailand governmental organization and Chulalongkorn University visited USC Viterbi to explore collaboration.

July 25, 2017: Mohamed Shwehdi, Director of International affairs for Joint Collaboration, King Faisal University in Saudi Arabia visited USC Viterbi to explore research and education collaboration

May 18 - July 18, 2017: More than 20 students from India came to USC Viterbi for Summer Viterbi India Program. Read more>>

July 10, 2017: Dr. Mau-Chung Frank Chang, President, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) visited USC Viterbi to explore further research and collaboration between the two universities.

June 28, 2017: Prof. S. S. Gokhale, Director, LNMIIT Jaipur visited USC Viterbi School of Engineering.

June 23, 2017: S C Choi, President of Inha Univ. , K W Lee, President of KAU, I J Jin, President of Inha college in South Korea visited USC Viterbi to discuss about collaborations and tour of DEN facilities.

May 15-17, 2017: The 11th USC-THU Faculty Research Symposium was held in Beijing on May 15-17 with the theme of The 4th Industrial Revolution: Enabling Tools and Methods. The symposium had talks and discussion sessions. Read more >>

May 15, 2017: Mr R Varadarajan, Head (F&A), IUSSTF visited USC Viterbi School of Engineering.

May 8, 2017: Prof. R. Nagarajan, Dean for International Affairs for IIT Madras visited USC Viterbi School of Engineering. He met with Prof Raghu Raghavendra, Prof. Jerry Loeb and Prof Paul Ronney and Prof Mahta Moghaddam.

April 17-18, 2017: Prof. Milind Tambe will co-chair 2-day workshop on Artificial Intelligence for social good at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore campus.

April 13, 2017: The next session of the USC Viterbi-Axilor Lecture Series will take place on April 13. Lineup of speakers include Dr. K. Ananth Krishnan, Dr. Ashok Chandak, Dr. Ramesh Hariharan, Nitin Sharma. Read more here about the last Viterbi-Axilor Lecture Series.

March 13, 2017 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Associate Provost (Special Projects) in President's Office of Nanyang Technical University (NTU) revisited USC. He met with various administrators, dean of VSoE and some faculty members. His visit was to explore further research collaboration between NTU and USC in games area.

February 21, 2017 A high-level delegation led by USC President C. L. Max Nikias visited Taiwanese capital of Taipei on Feb. 21. The delegation’s purpose was to strengthen existing links with Taiwanese institutions and explore new opportunities for partnerships in Taiwan. Read more>>

February 3, 2017 Delegation led by minister from Bauhaus University, Weimar in Germany visited USC. MOU was signed between the two universities to promote research collaboration. Read more>>

January 24, 2017: Ananth Krishnan, CTO of TCS visited USC to discuss research and innovation collaborations.

Dec 5-6, 2016: Prof. Raghu Raghavendra, Vice Dean for Global Academic Initiatives, visited National Taiwan University and National Tsing Hua University. The purpose of visit was to strengthen existing links and explore new opportunities for partnerships in research.

June 7, 2016: A partnership between the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and the Bay Environmental Technology Corp (Bayeco) has been selected by the US Department of State and the Chinese government for membership in the US-China EcoPartnership program. Read more>>

Dec 7-10, 2016: Dean Yortsos, Vice Dean Raghavendra, and others visited India. They met alumni and friends in Mumbai and Bangalore. Also, The India advisory Board meeting was held in Bangalore on Friday, Dec. 9th. They visited IISc campus and met with Director and Deans. Read more>>

October 18, 2016: Deputy Director and Dean of faculty affairs from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) visited VSoE. They met with Dean, Vice Dean, Dept. chairs and several faculty members to discuss education and research collaborations. They also made a presentation to graduate students for possible faculty appointments at IITB.

Aug, 2016: Viterbi iPodia (ViP) Program will take place in Dubai during next fall semester. Read more>>

June 20, 2016: IUSSTF sponsors the Viterbi-India Program. Dr Rajiv Tayal, Executive Director of IUSSTF visited laboratories and met with faculty and Viterbi-India students.

May 4, 2016: USC Viterbi to strengthen ties with India and is set to launch new programs to attract Indian Ph.D. candidates. Read more>>

May 10-11, 2016: The 10th USC-THU Faculty Research Symposium was held at the USC campus on May 10-11 with the theme of Energy Informatics and Big Data. The symposium had talks, discussion sessions, and student poster session were held at RTH 526. Read more>>

USC Viterbi - Axilor Lexture Series
April 26, 2016: A program on entrepreneurship lecture series took place in Bangalore at Axilor. Sudha Kumar, Director of USC Viterbi Office in Bangalore organized this event. Many alums attended this event. Read more>>

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw won the award
April 22, 2016: Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw won the Global Leadership in Engineering award. She is serving as the chair and Managaing Director of Biocon Limited. Read more>>

Dean Yannis Yortsos in India
Dec 8-12, 2015: Dean Yannis Yortsos led a delegation from USC Viterbi to India during Dec. 8-12. During this visit the delegation met with Government officials, industry leaders, and alumnis. In three different cities, Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore, meetings with alumni entrepreneurs and parents were held as well. Read more>>

October 29-31, 2015 The 2015 USC Global Conference took place in the city of Shanghai, China, at the Grand Hyatt Shanghai located in the world famous Jin Mao Tower on October 29 – 31, 2015.

Sept 14, 2015 USC Viterbi startup awarded silver medal in Beijing. USC Viterbi’s Stasis Labs won the silver medal in the student business plan competition at the Global Grand Challenges Summit (GGCS) in Beijing on September 14, 2015.Read more>>

IUSSTF Student Symposium
Aug 22, 2015: The IUSSTF organized a student symposium on August 22 for all summer research students from India who were part of the Viterbi-India, S N Bose Scholar, and Khorana Scholar programs. Prof. Raghu Raghavendra was invited to address these students in the symposium and view the posters presented by students. Read more>>

Vice Dean Raghu Raghavendra in China
Aug 14, 2015: Vice Dean Raghu Raghavendra visited Taipei Medical Univ. during August 14-15 and met with Deans, and other officials for further dicsussions on collaborative PhD program. Read more>>

USC-THU Research Symposium
May 21-22, 2015: The 9th USC-THU Faculty Research Symposium was held at the Tsinghua University campus on May 21-22 with the theme of Energy Informatics and Big Data. Dean Yortsos and several VSoE faculty traveled to Beijing for this symposium. The event was also attended by Feng Deng who is the sponsor of the collaboration between USC and THU.

Indian Official and IUSSTF visit
May 18, 2015 Officials from the Government of India and Indo US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) visited USC on May 18th to establish a PhD fellowship program. Dr. T. K. Chandrashekar, secretary of Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) led the delegation and signed an MOU with USC that will support 5 SERB-USC PhD fellowships each year.
Read more>

Annual Viterbi-India program
May 18-July 20, 2015 In the annual Viterbi-India program, this year 19 students from institutions across India are at USC campus this summer conducting research with VSoE faculty. In addition, there are 8 other undergraduate students from India are participating in this summer research program.
Read more>

Dean Yortsos, Prem Natarajan and Raghu Raghavendra visit India
December 15, 2014 Dean Yortsos, Prem Natarajan and Raghu Raghavendra visit India for the yearly India Advisory Board meeting.
Read more>

Dean Yortsos in China
October 31, 2014 Dean Yortsos meets with the China and East Asia Advisory Boards, helps establish Entrepreneur Executive Club
Read more>

USC researchers meet
October 15, 2014 USC researchers meet at the Global Conversation in New York to discuss our high-tech future.
Read more>

USC Viterbi and Azerbaijan meet
October 13, 2014 USC Viterbi and Azerbaijan meet to explore research collaboration.
Read more>

Tata Consultancy Services visits Viterbi Startup Garage.
August 1, 2014 In the Summer of 2014, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) paid a visit to Viterbi Startup Garage, our early-stage technology accelerator launched by the Viterbi School of Engineering.
Read more>

2015 Global summit on engineering grand challenges
July 16, 2014 Yannis C. Yortsos @ Chinese Academy of Engineering in Beijing- preparing for the 2015 global summit on engineering grand challenges
Read more>

June 23, 2014 - Viterbi School of Engineering hosted President of Khalifa University, Tod Laursen, for discussion on collaboration between USC and Khalifa University, located in Abu Dhabi. Read more>>

Dean Yortsos Inducted Into the Academy of Athens.
June 10, 2014 Yannis C. Yortsos, dean of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, was formally inducted as Associate Member of the Academy of Athens in Greece on Tuesday for his “exceptional leadership and accomplishments in the field of engineering”.
Read more>

May 28, 2014 USC Viterbi Alumnus Col. Michael Price leads efforts to build a better Afghanistan. Read more>>

March 12, 2014 - Qatar University joins iPodia Alliance. High-level delegation attends the March 7 signing ceremony. Read more>>

Internship Program at the United Nations headquarters
November 5, 2013 The United Nations provides opportunities for students enrolled in a graduate programme to undertake an internship at its Headquarters in New York, Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi, Addis Ababa, Bangkok, Beirut, Santiago, Arusha and The Hague.
Read more>

The Global Innovation Initiative grant competition opens this weekOctober 28, 2013 GII will award grants to university consortia focusing on interdisciplinary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-related issues of global significance.
Read more>

Google serves users from 700 p.c. more locations: Study by researchers from USC Viterbi
October 27, 2013 The Hindu - Over the past 10 months, Google search has dramatically increased the number of sites around the world from which it serves client queries according to researchers from University of Southern California.
Read more>

USC launches International Academy
October 24, 2013 The USC International academy will expand recruitment efforts to attract the brightest international undergraduate and graduate students to USC’s various academic programs.
Read more>

USC, Brazilian agency agree on fellowship for PhD students
September 6, 2013 USC and the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education under the Ministry of Education have agreed to jointly fund outstanding PhD students from Brazil who attend USC.
Read more>

Airbus establishes Institute for Engineering Research at USC
May 30, 2013 The Airbus Institute for Engineering Research (AIER) will foster a partnership between the aerospace company, the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and two Korean Universities.
Read more>

Global Conference opens in South Korea
May 23, 2013 USC alumni and leaders gathered at the Grand Hyatt in Seoul, South Korea, on May 23 for the official welcome reception and dinner of the 2013 USC Global Conference.
Read more>

Three National Academies of Engineering Launch First Global Summit on the Grand Challenges
April 08, 2013 The three-day event explored how innovative engineering can tackle global issues such as cyber-terrorism, urban pollution and the development of clean, renewable energy.
Read more>

USC and Korean Engineering Students Kick-Off a Semester of Global Interaction
February 21, 2013 USC students and their classmates from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) participate in iPodia, a unique program that ushers in a truly global classroom.
Read more>

A Passage to India
December 19, 2012A USC Viterbi School delegation, led by Dean Yannis C. Yortsos, recently visited India to connect with alumni, explore partnerships and affirm the school's growing international presence.
Read more>

Viterbi Increases Footprint In Dynamic SubcontinentDecember 18, 2012The Viterbi India Board recently held its inaugural meeting, a reflection of the school's strong and deepening relationship with its Indian constituencies.
Read more>

USC delegation visits South AmericaDecember 15, 2012A USC delegation visited academic, government and business leaders in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil earlier this month to build ties with top universities, corporations and policymakers, as well as to reconnect with USC alumni across the country.
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Trojan Family members gather in India to network, party and danceDecember 11, 2012Enthusiastic Trojans in USC T-shirts flashed the "Fight On" sign as they sipped cocktails. The sounds of the USC marching band washed over the crowd, fueling excited conversations among alumni newly reunited.
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The Great Unveiling: USC Viterbi Debuts New Mitsubishi Partnership November 30, 2012Mitsubishi to provide 12 electric cars for the USC Smart Grid Living Laboratory.
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Association of Indian Students(AIS) celebrates Diwali.November 12, 2012Association of Indian Students(AIS) celebrates Diwali in grand style with more than 800 students and guests attending the event. Below is a Diwali greeting video by Dean Yannis C. Yortsos followed by some of the pictures captured at the function which was held at Boavard Auditorium, USC.
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The Viterbi-India program jointly supported by Indo US Science and Technology Forum and VSoE.November 1, 2012This program will provide opportunities to Indian students to undertake a research internship at the Viterbi School of Engineering in summer 2013 for a period of 8 weeks.
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USC Viterbi's First Ever Asia Board Kicks-Off Inaugural Meeting October 22, 2012New body tasked with threefold mission: advise, advocate and support Viterbi efforts in China and East Asia.
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Viterbi school summer program for Indian undergrads wraps up successful second year.August 14, 2012Thirteen top students from universities in India came to the Viterbi School this summer for intensive research work with eminent Viterbi School faculty and a preview of what graduate school might offer.
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USC Viterbi Launches Alliance to Bring the World to Students.July 09, 2012The USC Viterbi School of Engineering today unveiled an international partnership that allows students from multiple countries across the globe to take the same class – at the same time.
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Class of 2012 graduate degree recipients gather in Galen Hall and hear a rousing speech by alumnus Feng Deng.May 12, 2012Dean Yannis C. Yortsos addressed a Galen Center in which the area often occupied by a basketball court was instead completely filled with students wearing caps and gowns. Behind the court, a spectator section held still more.
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USC Viterbi research on transient plasma ignites interest at the China Maritime trade show in Hong Kong.May 4, 2012Dr. Fokion Egolfopoulos and Dr. Martin Gundersen along with Viterbi postdoctoral researcher Dr. Dan Singleton recently made a presentation about potentially game-changing research that could provide a big assist to the shipping industry in terms of cutting fuel costs and meeting tough new environmental regulations.
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USC and Chilean ministry of education partner on PhD fellowshipsMarch 19, 2012USC and the Chilean Ministry of Education announced the creation of a partnership that will provide Ph.D. students from Chile with full tuition and living stipends as they pursue advanced degrees at USC, which enrolls more international students than any other university in the United States.
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Dean Yortsos, USC Viterbi engineers reconnect at annual India alumni dinnerFebruary 29, 2012Over 60 eager attendants were present at the USC Viterbi India Alumni Dinner held February 25, 2012, at the ITC Royal Gardenia in Bangalore, India. Among opportunities to network and reconnect, alumni in attendance, many now running companies or in senior technical or academic positions, were given an overview on current Viterbi happenings by Dean Yannis C. Yortsos.
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USC delegation returns from visit to IsraelFebruary 27, 2012USC recently concluded an educational visit to Israel that explored the country’s advanced science and technology sector, strengthened ties to the research and teaching community, and produced high-level discussions with leaders in government, industry and cultural organizations.
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February 3, 2012: USC Viterbi Joins USC Delegation to Brazil Read more>>

 Viterbi students celebrate the 2012 Chinese New Year.January 31, 2012During a celebratory dinner last Monday at the Doheny Library, many Viterbi Chinese undergraduate students, senior faculty and staff were joined by Dean Yortsos to usher in the 2012 Chinese New Year — the year of the dragon.
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December 15, 2011: USC delegation visits South America Read more>>

Dean Yortsos visits over a thousand alumni, friends in Hong Kong, Taipei, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing.November 09, 2011 Viterbi Dean Yannis C. Yortsos traveled to Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Taipei, Shanghai and Beijing last month to renew friendships and to share news of progress and plans with alumni, parents and friends of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering.
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New Partners in Asia: USC Viterbi and China University of Petroleum (CUP) November 01, 2011 USC Viterbi School Dean Yannis C. Yortsos and four USC petroleum engineering professors recently presented a workshop in Beijing in collaboration with faculty from the China University of Petroleum (CUP), the premier university in China for the study of petroleum engineering.
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USC Signs MOU in TaiwanOctober 19, 2011 USC Viterbi School of Engineering dean Yannis C. Yortsos signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan on Oct. 17.
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 IIT Bombay Sends High Level Delegation to the Viterbi School.October 14, 2011 One of India’s most prestigious technical institutions recently sent a scouting party to the USC Viterbi School of Engineering looking for talent. Besides Viterbi alumni teaching at the Indian Institute for Technology (IIT) Bombay, another outcome may be the expansion of the Viterbi iPodia teaching network to the subcontinent.
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China Meets Taiwan in Viterbi’s “No Distance” ClassroomAugust 08, 2011 Imagine the best students with the best faculty — all connected around the world under the banner of USC Viterbi’s iPodia. Stephen Lu already has.Professor Stephen Lu calls it “No Distance Learning.”
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USC Viterbi School and Tsinghua University Hold Fifth Faculty SummitJuly 29, 2011 The ongoing collaboration between the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and China’s elite Tsinghua University in Beijing recorded its fifth successful year, with a joint faculty summit on “Green and Smart for a Sustainable Future” held on the THU campus.
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USC Forges Bonds With IndiaMarch 1, 2011A USC leadership delegation led by president C. L. Max Nikias, first lady Niki Nikias, Board of Trustees chairman Edward P. Roski, Jr. and Gayle Garner Roski traveled across India Feb. 20-27.
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2010 Summer Interns Present their ResearchSeptember 1, 2010 Students from across the globe spent 5 to 8 weeks at USC working on research projects with VSoE faculty. There were 13 students from IIT Kharagpur, 18 from Tsinghua University, 7 from Unam University and 5 from Korea Aerospace University.
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USC Viterbi Rises in Rankings
August 30, 2010
The USC Viterbi School of Engineering is now ranked 10th in the world in engineering, technology and computer science programs in the 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University rankings.
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I-Podium Class Completed
August 24, 2010
The first joint VSoE and PKU I-Podium class completed this summer. VSoE students went to eijing to work with PKU students on their projects.
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Seminar in Washington DC
June 21, 2010
In a three-day seminar in Washington, D.C. USC Chinese graduate students discussed American foreign policy and towards China in particular.
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USC and Tsinghua University Engineering Faculty GatherMarch 30, 2010 Faculty from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and China’s leading technical institution gathered at the USC campus April 1-3, 2010 for their fourth annual workshop. The workshop series brought together experts from Viterbi and Tsinghua University's School of Information Science and Technology (SIST) for the three-day meeting.
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i-Podium Classes Begin
January 29, 2010
Viterbi students and their Chinese counterparts discuss global innovation from i-Podium classrooms 6,000 miles apart.
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USC and Tshingua Faculty Gather
April 10, 2009
USC and Tshingua Faculty gather together on April 1st to talk about improving alternative energy use and making information technology more energy-efficient.
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USC Opened an Office in Shanghai
December 5, 2009
USC opened an office in Shanghai in the Chong Hing Financial Center, with the ceremony at the JW Marriott in late October. Read More>>

USC Leads in Enrollment of International Students
November 16, 2009
USC enrolled more international students than any other American institution of higher education.
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International Student Satellite Project in Japan
September 15, 2009
A new National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored "International Student Satellite Project" under ASTE Prof. Joseph Wang will send 18 USC students to Japan to participate in the design, building, and operation of micro-satellites over the next three years. Read more>>

VOA Reports on USC Engineering Interns from India
July 27, 2009
The University of Southern California invites a few students from IIT Kharagpur under the umbrella of a sumer program to work on  research projects with professors at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. VOA reports on USC engineering interns from India.

IIT Kharagpur Summer Research Internships, Year Four
July 20, 2009
For the fourth year in a row, ten outstanding undergraduates from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur this summer conducted intensive individual research with top USC faculty.

Viterbi School and Tsinghua U. Deepen Relationship after Three Years of Workshops and Student Exchanges
June 8, 2009
Great opportunities in the aftermath of the 3rd Tsinghua-USC Annual Workshop which took place May 21 - 24 in Beijing, China. NEW research center to study "green and smart" IT energy applications will be founded as part of the joint partnership between Viterbi School and Tsinghua University.

Undergrad Summer Interns Present Their Research
August 7, 2009
Thirty-eight students from the U.S., India and China wind up their Viterbi School projects - and some will retun to USC as grad students.

Published on December 6th, 2016

Last updated on February 3rd, 2025